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14 companies asked to explain failure to pay dividends

The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has asked the high officials of 14 listed companies to come to its office with related documents to explain why they have declared but failed to pay dividends last year. For the non-compliance,…

Australian dream takes center stage in Dhaka by IDP

The IDP Australia Education Roadshow launched today at Sheraton Banani, Dhaka, showcasing all the major Australian universities & institutions. Students and parents eagerly explored study options for the November 2024 and January 2025 intakes. IDP’s Fast Lane Service provided on-the-spot…

Former planning minister Mannan among 99 sued in Sunamganj

Former planning minister MA Mannan and 98 others were made accused in a case filed over attacking students during the Anti-Discrimination Students Movement in Sunamganj on August 4. Hafiz Ali, brother of student Jahur Ali, who suffered injuries during the…
